Garlic - (Allium sativum, English: garlic) is a kind of plant in the family of the genus Allium as well as the name of the tubers produced. Garlic, has a history of human use for more than 7,000 years, mainly grown in Central Asia, and has long been a foodstuff in the area around the Mediterranean Sea, as well as general spices in Asia, Africa, and Europe.Known in ancient Egyptian records, it is used both for mixed cooking and medicinal properties. Tubers from garlic plants are the main ingredients for the basic ingredients of Indonesian cuisine. It is a plant that has a high content in a sulfur compound called Allicin, which makes raw garlic feel bitter or angur. and is believed to carry most of the health benefits.

Local names of Garlic in the World: Knoblauch (Germany), Саримсаг (Mongolia), Toon (Somalia), Czosnek pospolity (Poland), Hudhra (Albania), Brijeg luk (Bosnia), Ahos (Cebuano), Küüslauk (Estonia) Greek, Irish (Irish), kallik / maneul (Korea), Lasun (Nepali), Alho (Portuguese), Ajo (Spanish), Саримсоқ (Uzbek), FWM (Arabic), Česnov luk (Bulgaria), Da suan (Thailand), Cay toi (Vietnam), Onion Bodas (Sunda), Krak-swan-hpru (Burma), Ninniku (Japan) Usturoi (Romania), Sudu Luunu (Sinhala), Česnek (Czech), Ail (France), Chesnok (Russia), Sarımsak (Turkey), Vitlok (Sweden), Fokhagyma (Hungary) Hvidløg (Denmark), Garlic (Malay), sȳr (Persian), 大蒜 (Taiwan), Часник (Ukraine), Garlic (English), Lehsan / Lasun (Hindi), Poondu / Vellaipoondu (Tamil), Veluthulli / Vellulli (Malayalam ), Vellulli / Vellipaaya (Telugu), Bellul li (Kannada), Rasoon / Rashun (Bengali), Lasan (Gujarati), Lahsun / Losan (Konkani), Lasun / Lusson (Marathi), Rasuna (Oriya), Lassan / Lahsun (Punjabi), Bollulli (Tulu), Ruhan ( Kashmiri), Lassun / Leshun (Urudu).


The compounds contained in garlic are sulfur, Allicin, found in garlic, this plant also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and some surprising claims mention that it can help prevent some forms of cancer.
Garlic content Each 100 grams: 150 calories, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 6.36 grams of protein. In addition, garlic is also fortified with Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.
Garlic does have a stinging smell and makes some people do not like it. However, this plant since the page has been used and is believed to be able to cope with various types of diseases.


Garlic is highly valued for its beneficial and efficacious properties for health that are still followed in many cultures up to the present day. Inside garlic contained more than 100 biological chemicals that many benefits to health. Antioxidant content in garlic also contains antiviral, antibacterial and also antifungal.
High sulfur content in garlic provides antibiotic properties, helping keep the digestive system clean by rinsing toxins. Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. This seems to make garlic plants have a variety of properties for certain conditions.
Garlic is used as a spice used in almost every food and Indonesian cuisine. Before use as a spice, garlic is crushed by pressing with a knife side (fined) before finely chopped and sauteed in a frying pan with a little cooking oil. Garlic can also be mashed with various types of other ingredients. Benefits of garlic can be obtained not only by cooking or boiling it, even garlic can also be used as:


Garlic is considered as a herb for sore throat medicine, because it has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that exist in garlic can help cure cough, sore throat, and sore throat.
Garlic can help you get rid of sore throat and irritating symptoms caused by bacterial infections. Sore throat causes pain, itchy throat, often accompanied by fever. You may have red spots on the roof of your mouth, and your tonsils may swell.
Symptoms of strep throat are more severe than symptoms associated with other types of bacterial infections that cause a sore throat. Your pain will not last longer after consuming garlic.
If you have an itchy throat, you can trim a small piece of garlic or mix it into carrot juice or apple juice. Thus, garlic can also prevent flu and fever.


Garlic also works as a blood thinner or anti-thrombotic, thus preventing blood clots in patients at risk for clotting. The cleansing properties contained in garlic makes it possible to clear the arteries and veins, which will then thin the blood and smooth the bloodstream. It can also increase the production of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps dilate the blood vessels and dissolve blood clots. For patients who are currently on anti-thrombotic therapy should talk to their doctor before taking garlic.


Garlic has a natural cancer-fighting properties that help the immune system. Garlic is able to prevent various types of cancer, such as colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, and breast cancer. They are also known to destroy the growth of cancer cells in the human body.
Several studies have shown a link between increased garlic intake and reduced risk of certain cancers mentioned above, studies of population groups investigating the causes, occurrence or spread of disease or testing the effects of health, nutrition, or environmental exposure interventions. A data analysis of seven population studies showed that consuming raw or cooked garlic, was associated with reduced risk of stomach and colorectal cancer.
A multinational study involving men and women from 10 different countries. This study investigates the nutritional effects on cancer. In the study, intake of onion and garlic was associated with a reduced risk of bowel cancer [European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition].
The study also investigated whether diet, body fat distribution, and other risk-related factors with cancer incidence in older women. The findings from this study indicate a strong association between garlic consumption and colon cancer risk. Women who consumed garlic had a 50 percent lower risk of bowel distal cancers compared with women who had the lowest levels of garlic consumption (Iowa Women's).
Several population studies conducted in China are centered on garlic consumption and cancer risk. In one study, researchers found that frequent consumption of garlic and various types of onions and spring onions was associated with a decreased risk of esophagus and stomach.
Similarly, in another study, consumption of allium vegetables, especially garlic and onions, was associated with a reduced risk of stomach cancer. In a third study, intake of allium vegetables, especially garlic and green onions, was associated with a 50 percent reduction in risk in prostate cancer.
A study conducted in the San Francisco Bay area found that the risk of pancreatic cancer was 54 percent lower in people who ate garlic than those who did not.
In addition, a French study found that an increase in garlic consumption was associated with a significantly statistically decreased risk of breast cancer.
The National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, does not recommend dietary supplements for cancer prevention, but recognizes garlic as one of several vegetables with potential anticancer properties. Since all garlic preparations are not the same, it is difficult to determine the exact amount of garlic that may be needed to reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, the active compounds present in garlic can lose their effectiveness with time, handling, and processing.


Garlic contains allicin, vitamin C, B6, potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and flavonoids that are great for fighting infections because they kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.
The ability of garlic in fighting infections is confirmed in a study conducted by researchers at the University of Ottawa published Phytotherapy Research April 2005. The researchers tested 19 natural health products containing garlic and five fresh garlic extracts for active compounds and antimicrobial activity.
They tested the effectiveness of this substance against three common bacterial strains: E. faecalis, which causes urinary tract infections; N. gonorrhoeae, which causes infectious disease s * gsore gonorrhea; and S. aureus, which are responsible for many common types of infections. The most successful products to eradicate these bacteria are those with the highest allicin content.
The study, published in Applied and Experimental Microbiology 2011, Garlic is used as a variety of biochemical techniques to examine how some compounds in garlic interact with bacteria and find that garlic is effective against C bacteria, jejeuni.
Another study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that allicin is capable of killing several pathogens of oral bacteria, such as S. mutans and P. gingivalis.
Reduce blood sugar levels (Diabetes)
Garlic has the potential to reduce high levels of blood glucose and triglyceride levels. This increases insulin levels in diabetics, so it can help diabetics.
Although, preliminary early evidence suggests that garlic may be effective in lowering blood sugar levels, according to a study published in the March issue of "Acta Diabetologica." In a small trial, they collected 60 patients with type 2 diabetes, the study subjects received a supplement garlic called Allicor, which contains 150 mg of garlic, then compared with the control group taking placebo, patients taking Allicor had significantly lower levels of glucose and fructosamine, another indicator of blood sugar.
Mixed results: Despite promising results from a 2008 study documented in "Acta Diabetologica," however more research on the effectiveness of garlic to reduce blood sugar is still needed.
Many other studies have found that garlic is not effective in lowering blood sugar, reports a large-scale review of garlic research published in May 2001 by the Healthcare Research and Quality Agency. Additional research is needed, especially regarding the main active ingredient in garlic and appropriate mechanism action on the human body.


Garlic can provide other benefits for diabetics. In addition to lowering blood sugar levels, garlic can also help control other factors that contribute to diabetes, including cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood, known as triglycerides. Many other studies have found that garlic is effective in lowering cholesterol, suggesting that the effect is real and verifiable, according to the Healthcare Research and Quality report.
Diabetic patients also frequently develop other aspects of cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis. garlic supplements may be effective in lowering blood pressure as well as slow the progression of atherosclerosis, which can improve the overall health of people with diabetes.


Toothache causes pain and sometimes creates a cavity. According to Suresh Babu, author of "A Treatise on Home Remedies," you can relieve toothaches by applying garlic to troubled teeth. Garlic has long been used for dental pain medicinal properties, because the antibacterial and anesthetizing properties of garlic can help treat toothache, relieve pain.Garlic, may act as an anti-inflammatory. For the use of toothache medicines, garlic-based enough to prepare two cloves of fresh garlic, mashed to form a paste, then apply to the teeth problematic.


Garlic has been consumed as food and medicine for thousands of years and is believed to be effective for the cure of certain diseases. In recent times, it was found that the strong antimicrobial properties of garlic are due to the allicin complex, which can kill various pathogens, including viruses, which cause warts.
According to "Human Biochemistry and Disease." Allicin can kill a wide spectrum of viruses, including HPV, although unlike many antiviral drugs and antibiotics, it does not destroy beneficial bacterial colonies in the gut. Other compounds in garlic stimulate function in the liver and colon, which increases general detoxification in the body, which is beneficial during any infection.


The trick: garlic keprek (not to be fine) then stick on the warts and tie the strong with cloth or plaster wait until 30 minutes, do not move too much, the skin will be hot and the wart will blacken and you will be free from warts.
According to "Medical Herbalism: Principles of Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine," common recommendations include applying garlic three times a day for at least a week, or until the warts begin to shrink and dry. Although it may be more time consuming, garlic cloves can be eaten or garlic capsules can be taken orally, allowing the allicin to enter the bloodstream and act as a systemic antivirus.


Liver inflammation or better known as hepatitis can cause death. Hepatitis is a process of inflammation of the liver tissue. This disease is better known as liver pain or jaundice.However, the term yellow pain can cause confusion because not all jaundice is caused by inflammation of the liver.
Of the many factors, the virus was ranked first as the most common cause of hepatitis.Others can be caused by bacteria, parasites, drugs, chemicals that damage the liver, alcohol, worms, or poor nutrition.
Medicinal plant materials to help the process of liver function repair are usually hepatoprotective. Garlic can prevent and restore liver damage. Garlic is an additional potential for conventional medical treatment if you have liver damage. Talk to your doctor first about the herbal remedies that are right for you.
According to French scientist Louis Pasteur in 1858 garlic has the ability to prevent infection, according to doctor Deepak Chopra, MD, author of "The Chopra Center Herbal Handbook." Garlic, or Allium sativum, has more than 200 chemicals and has been the subject of thousands of studies. It has demonstrated the capacity to treat heart disease and to combat pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. Garlic has also been studied for its potential as an anti-bacterial treatment of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes chronic inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach (gastritis) in humans. These bacteria are also considered a common cause of ulcers worldwide.
Liver, or inflammation of the liver tissue, is a disease that refers to a medical problem that causes liver function to decrease. According to the Hepatitis B Foundation, the liver becomes dysfunctional when 75 percent of the tissue is disrupted. Biologists categorize kind hearts as glands and organs, and it is the largest solid organ of the body. Among the causes of liver damage are alcohol abuse, viral infections such as hepatitis and genetic diseases.
The study published "Indian Journal of Experimental Biology", 2011. The researchers fed the lead compound mouse for seven days and then measured the amount of induced liver injury. They then gave the rats a fresh extract of garlic water, which reduced the amount of liver damage. They theorize that this is due to the antioxidant ability of garlic. Antioxidants hunt down and disable unstable oxygen molecules that cause cell damage. In other animal studies, scientists use alcohol to induce liver damage in mice and then give them black garlic extract, which increases antioxidant liver enzymes. It also reduces DNA damage to white blood cells called lymphocyte immunity, as published "Journal of Medicinal Food." 2011. More human studies should be completed before garlic can be recommended as a therapy for liver disease.


Benefits Garlic for health from eating garlic has been well known. The study, conducted at the University of Missouri, found that the carbohydrates found in garlic were the key to classification as "super foods." Scientists found different ways about the benefits of garlic to the human body. Related research, showed that garlic can inhibit brain cell damage caused by stress. So Garlic not only helps slow down the aging process, but it can also be effective for preventing brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.


The risk of heart attack can be reduced by garlic because a study from the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center found that garlic extract could reduce the buildup of harmful plaques in the arteries. The results obtained from this study are claimed to help to prevent the development of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. Matthew Budoff said the study undertook another demonstration of the benefits of garlic supplements in reducing plaque accumulation and preventing the formation of new plaques in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease.


Although only in the short term, with a reasonable consumption, garlic can lower cholesterol. This is because the content of antioxidants contained in it, able to prevent damage due to radicals in the artery layer.



The right way, garlic can help treat acne. Garlic that is cut or destroyed will release a compound that is useful as blood cleansing and has antibiotic properties. So they will help treat acne. However, we still have to do treatment for acne, because garlic only helps accelerate the healing process of acne.


The refreshing nature of garlic protects the skin from the effects of free radicals and slows down the collagen depletion causing loss of elasticity in aging skin. It is also an effective remedy for yeast infections such as athlete's feet and ringworm.


The presence of allicin in garlic makes it a perfect remedy for hair loss. Rubbing garlic cloves on the scalp can improve blood circulation and help get rid of hair loss. In addition, soak a few pieces of garlic in olive oil for a week. Use this oil for hair while massaged for effective results.


Dandruff is a very common problem. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of garlic work well for treating itchy scalp and excessive dandruff. Apart from this, the sulfur component in garlic prevents infection and reduces the severity of dandruff.


Garlic is an antioxidant power pack, combats free radicals in the skin and keeps skin and younger. The consumption of garlic produces collagen, which reduces wrinkles. Its use serve as a mask to prevent premature aging.


Heat 3-4 cloves of garlic with coconut oil and fresh ground black pepper. Let it cool and apply on wet hair as a mask. Let stand for 20 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.


Nails can easily get infected resulting in nails dull and yellow. The anti-fungal properties of garlic not only prevent, but also protect the nail from infection. Soak cotton balls into garlic juice and apply to the cuticle.


Garlic may be safe for most people when consumed in reasonable amounts. Garlic has been used safely in research for up to 7 years. Although garlic has been used safely in cooking, excessive consumption can cause some side effects.
When consumed, garlic can cause bad breath, burning sensations in the mouth or stomach, heartburn, gas, nausea, vomiting, body odor, and diarrhea.
Side effects are often worse with raw garlic. Garlic may also increase the risk of bleeding.There are reports of bleeding after surgery in people who have taken garlic.
Asthma patients should not consume garlic as it can have side effects.


Garlic is a safe possibility to use during pregnancy when taken in the amount normally found in foods. Garlic may be unsafe when used in drug quantities during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of applying garlic to the skin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. it is recommended before using garlic, consult with your doctor first.


Garlic, especially fresh garlic, can increase the risk of bleeding.


Garlic can irritate the gastrointestinal tract (GI) of the channel. Use with caution if you have stomach or digestive problems.


Garlic can lower blood pressure. In theory, taking garlic might make blood pressure too low in people with low blood pressure.
Surgery: Garlic may prolong bleeding and interfere with blood pressure. Stop taking garlic at least two weeks before surgery is scheduled.

It is recommended before using garlic for treatment, you should consult with your doctor first, to ensure that the content of garlic does not adversely affect your health problems.


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