Sufi clerics

Sufi clerics

at this time we often hear the words of Sufi clerics clerics sufi.Apakah it ??
Well at this kesemapatan I will explain my opinion of who the Sufi clerics.

I think it's a different Sufi clerics with a cleric clerics are not sufi.Mengapa?
Because in my view it's a Sufi clerics already have a high level of knowledge and the religion of Islam,
a Sufi clerics it looks like an ordinary person even someone new mengenalnyapun may think that he is an ordinary person,
usatad are always different with Muslim dress, people who first saw it was already suspected that he was a cleric, or clerics,
of clothes.

In Book Three Sufi Master of Java, which is trying to explain "spiritual discourse" or spiritual messages of the three figures scholars Java land;
Shaikh Abdur Rahman Bin Musleh al-Maraqy (Mranggen Demak), Sheikh Tamim Romli (Rejoso Jombang)
and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Dimyathi Amin al-Bantany (Cidahu Bantam). Spiritual messages of the three characters who become
guru (murshid) in Java land holds some sort of mystical doctrine Wa Ala Thoriqoh Qadiriyah Naqsyabandsiyah and Thoriqoh Syadziliyah.

In this book the author divides into three parts happenings sermon three famous Sufi teacher in this Java universe.
In the first part described about the spiritual discourse of Abuya Dimyathi. Abuya Dimyathi a charismatic cleric of Banten.
Words spiritual thirst to become a shade against the people.
Discourses Abuya has high quality as medicine for the sick soul, arid oasis for the soul as well Nur godlike
who ruled the Kingdom of the liver, with millions of angels guard there, which could drive the dark (zhulumat) and
demons and the army (junudus Shaytaan) of the human heart.

In Wejangannya, became murshid thariqah origin is not granted, but through certain conditions.
At least, there are three requirements to become a Murshid. First, murshid when it became a spiritual guide
and guides must be cooked in the science of the scholars. Second, murshid also must understand understand wisdom
of people who already Ma'rifat Billah. Third, a master murshid also tactics and strategy ruler (king or political leader).

In the second part contains a spiritual discourse Romli Sheikh Tamim, Rejoso, Jombang, charismatic cleric who mennadi mursyid Thoriqoh Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah Wa.
One fruit of Romli is Tsamnrah Shaykh al-Fikriyah which contains the Sufi doctrine for expert thareqat and Sufism.
In wejangannya, Romli Sheikh said that the road to wushul (ma'rifat billah) for the students Thoriqoh is to seriously implement the following three things.

First, develop Khafi Dhikr (remembrance vague) or dhikr in the liver.
You do this by presenting a total heart always remember God in any circumstances.

Secondly, muraqabah, which is constantly trying to catch up and closer to God.
In standing at tambourine godlike, thareqah students must always look forward to prejudice either (Khusnudzon) to the gift given by God.

Third, with the khidmah (devotion), which is a loyal servant of the teachers who have given talqin Dhikr, kaifiyah, and Jam'iyyah
and also willing to provide themselves to be servants to other students-students.
Vying with each other in goodness once tried useful for others.
Three way this is done sincerely and istiuqomah with a total surrender to God.

In the third section, the author describes the particulars of Shaikh Musleh Mranggen spiritual discourse.
Shaikh Musleh Mranggen known as murshid Thareqah Qadiriyah Wa Naqsyabandiyah which has a depth of knowledge and clarity of heart.
One of his works are quite popular is Futuhat Rabbaniyah outlining the Sufi doctrine toward unraveling Ma'rifat divine.
Other work that is equally popular is an-Nur al-Burhani which is Sharh (explanation lujain book ad Dani) works Shaykh Abu Ja'far al-Brzanji
who narrated biography Auliya Sultan Al-Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailany.


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